VECUA渋谷ヒカリエでフェイシャルエステ / Facial beauty salon in VECUA ▶7:01・
VECUA渋谷ヒカリエでフェイシャルエステ / Facial beauty salon in VECUA ▶19:31・
Learn Facial Gua Sha from a Chinese Medical skincare professional ▶20:42・
Learn Facial Gua Sha from a Chinese Medical skincare professional ▶54:54・
ASMR POV Spa Facial Roleplay 💜 SUPER Realistic & Immersive Facial Treatment & Face Massage ▶3:29・
ASMR POV Spa Facial Roleplay 💜 SUPER Realistic & Immersive Facial Treatment & Face Massage ▶8:30・
3分でメイクのりUP:フェイシャルマッサージ-3min Face Massage therapy 4/7 ▶44:36・
3分でメイクのりUP:フェイシャルマッサージ-3min Face Massage therapy 4/7 ▶40:27・
【ASMR】顔スッキリ+耳リフレマッサージ【りらく屋】japanese face &ear massage ▶4:30・
【ASMR】顔スッキリ+耳リフレマッサージ【りらく屋】japanese face &ear massage ▶5:00・
Pov you’re getting a facial at an esthetician school 💆♀️ *skincare *estheticianstudent *facialtreatment *jellymask *asmr *iceglobes ▶3:12・
Pov you’re getting a facial at an esthetician school 💆♀️ *skincare *estheticianstudent *facialtreatment *jellymask *asmr *iceglobes ▶54:56・
【ASMR】夢のリラックス体験🫧高級ホテルのフェイシャルエステ&ヘッドスパ【睡眠導入】 ▶0:08・
【ASMR】夢のリラックス体験🫧高級ホテルのフェイシャルエステ&ヘッドスパ【睡眠導入】 ▶1:31・
04:32 からのビデオで見つかりました Facial Beauty Treatment Begins ▶1:00:23・
ASMR 温泉旅館ロールプレイ / フェイシャルエステと耳かきで極上の癒しをどうぞ✨ ▶44:08・
ASMR 温泉旅館ロールプレイ / フェイシャルエステと耳かきで極上の癒しをどうぞ✨ ▶1:04・
『美の匠』vol.1 KERASKINフェイシャル体験(uka青山店) e-エステチャンネル ▶28:03・
『美の匠』vol.1 KERASKINフェイシャル体験(uka青山店) e-エステチャンネル ▶10:52・
自分でできる!顔のリンパマッサージ How to: Lymph face massage ▶2:39・
自分でできる!顔のリンパマッサージ How to: Lymph face massage ▶18:43・
3分で小顔になるフェイシャルマッサージのやり方-3min Face Massage therapy 1/7 ▶17:11・
3分で小顔になるフェイシャルマッサージのやり方-3min Face Massage therapy 1/7 ▶0:29・
安らかなスパフェイシャルトリートメント🌸/ ASMR Japanese エステ ▶1:05:04・
安らかなスパフェイシャルトリートメント🌸/ ASMR Japanese エステ ▶0:42・
POV You're Washing Your Face: Korean Skincare Tips for Acne | Toronto ▶7:14・
POV You're Washing Your Face: Korean Skincare Tips for Acne | Toronto ▶0:33・
FACIAL FITNESS PAO(フェイシャルフィットネス パオ) ご使用方法 くわえ方振り方編 ▶12:54・
FACIAL FITNESS PAO(フェイシャルフィットネス パオ) ご使用方法 くわえ方振り方編 ▶10:32・
[音フェチ]4種類のマッサージ1時間コース(フェイス、ヘッドマッサージなど)耳かき[音フェチ]Binaural full massage sounds 1 hour/마사지/массаж ▶1:47・
[音フェチ]4種類のマッサージ1時間コース(フェイス、ヘッドマッサージなど)耳かき[音フェチ]Binaural full massage sounds 1 hour/마사지/массаж ▶1:40・
ASMR I had to come back for PART TWO!!!! Salon in Fukuoka (Soft Spoken) ▶34:25・
ASMR I had to come back for PART TWO!!!! Salon in Fukuoka (Soft Spoken) ▶4:40・
頭すっきりコース(ツボ押しマッサージ)【りらく屋】japanese head massage ▶32:52・
頭すっきりコース(ツボ押しマッサージ)【りらく屋】japanese head massage ▶3:26・
浦和駅1分で肌トラブル&お疲れ頭と顔のコリすっきり♪シミ,しわ,たるみ改善,グリーンピールフェイシャルマッサージ|エステティックサロンStella【ステラ】 ▶11:43・
浦和駅1分で肌トラブル&お疲れ頭と顔のコリすっきり♪シミ,しわ,たるみ改善,グリーンピールフェイシャルマッサージ|エステティックサロンStella【ステラ】 ▶22:28・
【顔面課金】本当にやってよかった美容医療5選!美肌キープしてます♡【毛穴・赤み・小顔 etc】 ▶1:03・
【顔面課金】本当にやってよかった美容医療5選!美肌キープしてます♡【毛穴・赤み・小顔 etc】 ▶0:53・
高須クリニック IPLフォトフェイシャル シミ、そばかす、くすみ、赤ら顔に効果があります 美容整形動画 ▶0:14・
高須クリニック IPLフォトフェイシャル シミ、そばかす、くすみ、赤ら顔に効果があります 美容整形動画 ▶4:00・
asmr ☾ pov: cute alt girl gives you a facial treatment 💆🏻🖤 ▶13:33・
安眠&美容に!おやすみ前の15分フェイスマッサージ 【東洋羽毛_美容と健康動画】 ▶0:19・
安眠&美容に!おやすみ前の15分フェイスマッサージ 【東洋羽毛_美容と健康動画】 ▶23:42・
フェイスマスクって種類多すぎん?*フェイスマスク *毛穴ケア *肌荒れケア *乾燥肌 *美容 *スキンケア *クオリティファースト *ドンキ | Face Cream ▶0:29・
フェイスマスクって種類多すぎん?*フェイスマスク *毛穴ケア *肌荒れケア *乾燥肌 *美容 *スキンケア *クオリティファースト *ドンキ | Face Cream ▶0:25・
【ASMR ロールプレイ】🎄 Skincare Treatment クリスマスのフェイスマッサージとまつ毛パーマ(Layered sounds) ▶0:14・
【ASMR ロールプレイ】🎄 Skincare Treatment クリスマスのフェイスマッサージとまつ毛パーマ(Layered sounds) ▶0:18・
PoV: you asked your Asian Mom to sign your failed test papers. Good luck, see you on the other side *asianmom *minimoochi ▶1:18・
PoV: you asked your Asian Mom to sign your failed test papers. Good luck, see you on the other side *asianmom *minimoochi ▶3:02・
SIXPAD FacialFit[シックスパッド フェイシャルフィット] - QVC.jp ▶7:12・
SIXPAD FacialFit[シックスパッド フェイシャルフィット] - QVC.jp ▶1:51・
自分でできる!「リンパマッサージ」 How to: Lymph massage for the stomach ▶1:01・
自分でできる!「リンパマッサージ」 How to: Lymph massage for the stomach ▶3:43・
韓国式🇰🇷3D毛穴洗浄✨ 認定講師👩🏫 大阪、熊本で導入講習できます。 毛穴のタイプはいろいろ。 ・黒ずみ毛穴 ・色素沈着毛穴 ・開き毛穴 ・たるみ毛穴 普通の黒ずみ毛穴は1度でも綺麗になります☆ クレンジング ↓ クレンジングスチーム ↓ 浮き出る毛穴汚れ吸引 ↓ 毛穴引き締め美容液 クレンジングスチームで驚くほど浮き出る毛穴汚れ♪ 根こそぎ吸引し、肌代謝UPで毛穴レス肌に☆ ◎韓国式3D毛穴洗浄(約90分) 14,000円 ↓ 9月末まで 初回 半額の7,000円 ◎韓国式3D毛穴洗浄+肌質改善HARI(120分) 36,000円 ↓ 9月末まで 初回 15,000円 *熊本 *大阪*えお本毛穴 *熊本毛穴プロ *熊本毛穴の黒ずみ *熊本毛穴黒ずみ *熊本毛穴エクストラクション *熊本毛穴ケア *熊本毛穴エステ *熊本毛穴洗浄 *毛穴熊本 *熊本エステ *熊本フェイシャル *熊本脱毛 *熊本メンズ脱毛 *毛穴 *毛穴洗浄 *毛穴の黒ずみ *毛穴シミ *脱毛 *メンズ脱毛 *痩身 *フェイシャル *ニキビ *エステ *エステサロン *美容 *美容室 ▶0:15・
韓国式🇰🇷3D毛穴洗浄✨ 認定講師👩🏫 大阪、熊本で導入講習できます。 毛穴のタイプはいろいろ。 ・黒ずみ毛穴 ・色素沈着毛穴 ・開き毛穴 ・たるみ毛穴 普通の黒ずみ毛穴は1度でも綺麗になります☆ クレンジング ↓ クレンジングスチーム ↓ 浮き出る毛穴汚れ吸引 ↓ 毛穴引き締め美容液 クレンジングスチームで驚くほど浮き出る毛穴汚れ♪ 根こそぎ吸引し、肌代謝UPで毛穴レス肌に☆ ◎韓国式3D毛穴洗浄(約90分) 14,000円 ↓ 9月末まで 初回 半額の7,000円 ◎韓国式3D毛穴洗浄+肌質改善HARI(120分) 36,000円 ↓ 9月末まで 初回 15,000円 *熊本 *大阪*えお本毛穴 *熊本毛穴プロ *熊本毛穴の黒ずみ *熊本毛穴黒ずみ *熊本毛穴エクストラクション *熊本毛穴ケア *熊本毛穴エステ *熊本毛穴洗浄 *毛穴熊本 *熊本エステ *熊本フェイシャル *熊本脱毛 *熊本メンズ脱毛 *毛穴 *毛穴洗浄 *毛穴の黒ずみ *毛穴シミ *脱毛 *メンズ脱毛 *痩身 *フェイシャル *ニキビ *エステ *エステサロン *美容 *美容室 ▶0:40・
【BARBER】【フェイシャルマッサージ】【小顔】BARBERSHOPでメンズフェイシャル体験 ▶0:15・
【BARBER】【フェイシャルマッサージ】【小顔】BARBERSHOPでメンズフェイシャル体験 ▶0:06・
【美白美容液】もはやレーザー超え。最先端の美容液を紹介します ▶0:17・
【美白美容液】もはやレーザー超え。最先端の美容液を紹介します ▶3:43・
Morning Skincare on Boy Bestie | Facial ASMR & Asian Skincare ▶0:59・
Morning Skincare on Boy Bestie | Facial ASMR & Asian Skincare ▶0:16・
6.ラプレシア化粧品 ローション Nasse ~ナッセ~ ▶0:11・
ASMR 😪 5년 더 여려보이는 피부관리와 얼굴 마사지👍 팅글 수면 ▶0:28・
ASMR 😪 5년 더 여려보이는 피부관리와 얼굴 마사지👍 팅글 수면 ▶10:40・
フェイスリフト!美顔トレーニング⑩ ▶0:33・
Suki Sin- Taiwanese Model Big Tits Fun Fuck Mouth Cum Facial | Asian - T25 ▶1:01・
Suki Sin- Taiwanese Model Big Tits Fun Fuck Mouth Cum Facial | Asian - T25 ▶0:20・
Asian Beauty In A Sexy Body Lingerie Get's A Facial | Asian - W84 ▶2:55・
Asian Beauty In A Sexy Body Lingerie Get's A Facial | Asian - W84 ▶1:00・
Institut Esthederm ▶1:01・
京都・鍼灸・マッサージの健美庵 ▶0:53・
2023年やって良かった美容医療を紹介します! ▶13:38・
ASMR | POV Spa Facial & Massage 🧖🏻 personal attention roleplay ▶4:50・
ASMR | POV Spa Facial & Massage 🧖🏻 personal attention roleplay ▶1:01・
POV: Going on a date with a SoCal Asian Guy | Kevin Nguyen ▶1:01:55・
POV: Going on a date with a SoCal Asian Guy | Kevin Nguyen ▶0:32・
【フェイシャルマッサージ】満足度の高い日本一のフェイシャルはココが違う!*shorts ▶0:45・
【フェイシャルマッサージ】満足度の高い日本一のフェイシャルはココが違う!*shorts ▶1:30・
Experience the Incredible Korean Titanium Lift for a Youthful Face ▶0:12・
Experience the Incredible Korean Titanium Lift for a Youthful Face ▶2:16・
ヘッドマッサージのテクニック ▶0:36・
Asian secret facial for instant bridal glow | Skin whiting Raw Milk Facial: Natural Glow in Minutes ▶1:09:01・
Asian secret facial for instant bridal glow | Skin whiting Raw Milk Facial: Natural Glow in Minutes ▶0:07・
POV: Asian super artist paints a portrait in Italy! ▶24:37・
Lý Nguyễn Nhi / Pov Thế giới nhân vật Huyền thoại (Trọn Bộ) ▶1:37・
POV That One Friend ▶0:08・
Pov: Your sister is your client 😌 Silliness and all, her skin was GLOWING after this Geneo Facial. Stay tuned for that video 😉 📍 Sun Plaza, Chaguanas | Bella Luna Day Spa ▶1:00・
Pov: Your sister is your client 😌 Silliness and all, her skin was GLOWING after this Geneo Facial. Stay tuned for that video 😉 📍 Sun Plaza, Chaguanas | Bella Luna Day Spa ▶1:56・
Girlhood means forcing your brother to do girly things with you 🥰 @wolvybeauty got Matthew’s skin looking RIGHT ✨ Utah girlies book with MK for all your esthetician needs, she’s the best!! *facialtreatment *hydrafacial *extractions *esthetics ▶0:27・
Girlhood means forcing your brother to do girly things with you 🥰 @wolvybeauty got Matthew’s skin looking RIGHT ✨ Utah girlies book with MK for all your esthetician needs, she’s the best!! *facialtreatment *hydrafacial *extractions *esthetics ▶1:06:42・
POV: Asian super artist DRAWS all of Italy (part 2) *italy *art *asian *drawing *chinese ▶1:00・
POV: Asian super artist DRAWS all of Italy (part 2) *italy *art *asian *drawing *chinese ▶7:26・
POV: What we go through to create exceptional videos 🙄🥲Truth be told I spoke in tongues countlessly during this particular scene🤣🤣🤣🤣🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️..NOTE: All cautionary measures were taken, and I was never in any danger.....Have you streamed our video?👇👇👇🎵 "GIVE ME CHANCE" by the incredible minister @bidemiolaoba out on all platforms, kindly click on the link on his bio to get yours. Cc @gntnation ❤️*MercyChinwo *GiveMeChance *BidemiOlaoba *gntnation ▶1:04・
POV: What we go through to create exceptional videos 🙄🥲Truth be told I spoke in tongues countlessly during this particular scene🤣🤣🤣🤣🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️..NOTE: All cautionary measures were taken, and I was never in any danger.....Have you streamed our video?👇👇👇🎵 "GIVE ME CHANCE" by the incredible minister @bidemiolaoba out on all platforms, kindly click on the link on his bio to get yours. Cc @gntnation ❤️*MercyChinwo *GiveMeChance *BidemiOlaoba *gntnation ▶1:01・
💗*ASMR *satisfying *aesthetic *asian *MAKEUP *beautyhacks *Lyamoonbeauty *skincare *beautyhacks ▶0:17・
💗*ASMR *satisfying *aesthetic *asian *MAKEUP *beautyhacks *Lyamoonbeauty *skincare *beautyhacks ▶0:23・
Lý Nguyễn Nhi / Pov Mắt 2 màu Full ▶0:42・
15:フェイシャルアニメーション ▶1:06・
Salon Katoの洗顔方法 ▶8:02・
POV: you fall asleep during your facial 🧖🏼♀️🧼🫧😩*asmr *asmrsounds *foryou *parati *asmrvideo *asmrs *asmrtiktoks *paratii *fyp *asmr_tingles *asmrpov *asmrskincare *spa *asmrtoys *asmrchallenge ▶・
POV: you fall asleep during your facial 🧖🏼♀️🧼🫧😩*asmr *asmrsounds *foryou *parati *asmrvideo *asmrs *asmrtiktoks *paratii *fyp *asmr_tingles *asmrpov *asmrskincare *spa *asmrtoys *asmrchallenge ▶・
💛*ASMR *Lyamoonbeauty *makeup *asian *skincare *beautyhacks *satisfying *ashashtags ▶・
💛*ASMR *Lyamoonbeauty *makeup *asian *skincare *beautyhacks *satisfying *ashashtags ▶・
skin care Asian! 2024shorts *skincare *makeup *beauty *facial *facemask *mask *makeuptutorial *2024 ▶・
skin care Asian! 2024shorts *skincare *makeup *beauty *facial *facemask *mask *makeuptutorial *2024 ▶・
POV: Living in a World Influenced by Aura | Funny Comedy Video ▶・
POV: Living in a World Influenced by Aura | Funny Comedy Video ▶・
POV: Asian parents be like...Kredit 🎥 @zhafrianaqi ▶・
POV : Ketika Sudah Selesai Facial Tapi Masih Enak Mimpi 😂🤣🫣😶🌫️ *khalissetiawan *khalis *kingkhalis *layarna *mekizen *amelia *ameliagusnia *reelsfb *reels *reelsviral | Fans Khalis Setiawan ▶・
POV : Ketika Sudah Selesai Facial Tapi Masih Enak Mimpi 😂🤣🫣😶🌫️ *khalissetiawan *khalis *kingkhalis *layarna *mekizen *amelia *ameliagusnia *reelsfb *reels *reelsviral | Fans Khalis Setiawan ▶・
POV: Asian super artist DRAWS all of Italy (part 3) *shorts ▶・
POV: Asian super artist DRAWS all of Italy (part 3) *shorts ▶・
腸マッサージ方法 ▶・
How to outsmart Asian parents *asian *asians *asianparents *sus *skit *plottwist *pov | Gene Feng ▶・
How to outsmart Asian parents *asian *asians *asianparents *sus *skit *plottwist *pov | Gene Feng ▶・
POV: you started face fitness I understand your skepticism, so let’s look at some scientific evidence. Our masseter and temporalis muscles, which help us chew, can also impact the shape of our jaw and facial appearance. All parts of our body are interconnected. When these muscles are tense, they can manifest physically on our faces with features like hooded eyes, nasolabial folds, and an undefined jawline. Additionally, this tension can lead to lymphatic stagnation, causing facial puffiness. Poo ▶・
POV: you started face fitness I understand your skepticism, so let’s look at some scientific evidence. Our masseter and temporalis muscles, which help us chew, can also impact the shape of our jaw and facial appearance. All parts of our body are interconnected. When these muscles are tense, they can manifest physically on our faces with features like hooded eyes, nasolabial folds, and an undefined jawline. Additionally, this tension can lead to lymphatic stagnation, causing facial puffiness. Poo ▶・
Transform Your Look with Facial Harmony: Features vs Face ▶・
Transform Your Look with Facial Harmony: Features vs Face ▶・
POV: You're 62 years old and have been swearing by this skincare routine for years. *acne *makeuptransformation *glow *facial *foryou *trending *viral *skincareroutine *skincaretips *pov *POV ▶・
POV: You're 62 years old and have been swearing by this skincare routine for years. *acne *makeuptransformation *glow *facial *foryou *trending *viral *skincareroutine *skincaretips *pov *POV ▶・
POV You Convince Your Korean Friend to Do the Food Run Challenge ▶・
POV You Convince Your Korean Friend to Do the Food Run Challenge ▶・
Hilarious Ant Swarm Prank on Asian Mom | POV ▶・
POV: Your ex’s new girlfriend gets her makeup done 💄 *asmr *shorts ▶・
POV: Your ex’s new girlfriend gets her makeup done 💄 *asmr *shorts ▶・
B Series on Instagram: "POV: They thought he is just a nobody *animeedits *anime *shots *status" ▶・
B Series on Instagram: "POV: They thought he is just a nobody *animeedits *anime *shots *status" ▶・
ASMR POV: Big Sis Does Her Skincare on You! *asmr *skincareroutine *fyp *foryoupage ▶・
ASMR POV: Big Sis Does Her Skincare on You! *asmr *skincareroutine *fyp *foryoupage ▶・
POV: your first date with an Asian Girl *pov *ytshorts *fypp *asian ▶・
POV: your first date with an Asian Girl *pov *ytshorts *fypp *asian ▶・
Coming Out to Asian Dad: A Funny and Heartfelt Skit ▶・
*pov *video *foryou *fyp *skincare | Skincare Video ▶・
POV Memes ▶・
Asian Glass Skin 4 Affordable tips | 30 days | grooming tips for teenagers ▶・
Asian Glass Skin 4 Affordable tips | 30 days | grooming tips for teenagers ▶・
Coming out to your Asian dad *pov *acting *skit *funny *fyp *fypage *foryou *story *fyp *reels *viral | Moses Jenkins ▶・
Coming out to your Asian dad *pov *acting *skit *funny *fyp *fypage *foryou *story *fyp *reels *viral | Moses Jenkins ▶・
💖 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Mark Adams @Brianna Guidry & OTHERS || POVs Tiktok Part *118 ▶・
💖 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Mark Adams @Brianna Guidry & OTHERS || POVs Tiktok Part *118 ▶・
POV: Asian Mum asks you to do the chores *funny *shortsfeed ▶・
POV: Asian Mum asks you to do the chores *funny *shortsfeed ▶・
POV: Getting Botox for the first time 🫣 | 8 West Clinic - Vancouver, BC ▶・
POV: Getting Botox for the first time 🫣 | 8 West Clinic - Vancouver, BC ▶・
It's fascinating how facial features can change with age. While Caucasian faces tend to become longer over time, Asian faces often widen. But here's an intriguing fact: as we age, our faces can elongate, especially if we overuse our jaw muscles. However, practicing proper tongue posture, also known as mewing, can help elevate and define your jawline. *facialanatomy *agingprocess *tongueposture *mewing *correctposture *kokofaceyoga *faceyoga *faceexercise | Koko Face Yoga ▶・
It's fascinating how facial features can change with age. While Caucasian faces tend to become longer over time, Asian faces often widen. But here's an intriguing fact: as we age, our faces can elongate, especially if we overuse our jaw muscles. However, practicing proper tongue posture, also known as mewing, can help elevate and define your jawline. *facialanatomy *agingprocess *tongueposture *mewing *correctposture *kokofaceyoga *faceyoga *faceexercise | Koko Face Yoga ▶・
Pov:When Your Facial Expression Doesn't Match Your Mood *shorts ▶・
Pov:When Your Facial Expression Doesn't Match Your Mood *shorts ▶・
❤️*ASMR *Lyamoonbeauty *makeup *asian *skincare *wupper | skin care asmr ▶・
❤️*ASMR *Lyamoonbeauty *makeup *asian *skincare *wupper | skin care asmr ▶・
POV Your Asian But You Don't Know Math: ⚰️🙏 *trollsbandtogether *ritzneer *edit @cartoona_oficial ▶・
POV Your Asian But You Don't Know Math: ⚰️🙏 *trollsbandtogether *ritzneer *edit @cartoona_oficial ▶・
💖 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Mark Adams @Brianna Guidry & OTHERS || POVs Tiktok Part *120 ▶・
💖 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Mark Adams @Brianna Guidry & OTHERS || POVs Tiktok Part *120 ▶・
POV: Asian Grandparents React to Reunited Grandson | Scripted Comedy Performance ▶・
POV: Asian Grandparents React to Reunited Grandson | Scripted Comedy Performance ▶・
❤️*ASMR *Lyamoonbeauty *makeup *asian *skincare | Make Up ▶・
❤️*ASMR *Lyamoonbeauty *makeup *asian *skincare | Make Up ▶・
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