Прямая трансляция ▶53:15
電光超特急ヒカリアン 第12話 「破壊兵器・マッドロイドZ」 ▶24:34
Болтаем ▶46:18
в магазине электроники "В-Лазер" ▶1:16:17
Привет ▶1:27:41
Livestream title ▶2:55:43
СЛАЙМЫ ▶9:39
Oops ▶28:53
Little Girl Putting on Pink Pants ▶0:29
в городке "Кстово" ▶14:09
Ig: Pryscilla_lsm *significado *estereotipos *deaf ▶0:25
-THE LSM CLUB RUN EVENTS FOR OUR LADIES EVERY WEEKEND! FROM FINE DINNING TO DAYS & NIGHTS OUT. THE EVENTS ARE ENDLESS. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF SUPPORTIVE OUTGOING WOMEN IN LONDON. How to join? - Download 'LSM Club' on your App Store and sign up to become a member! It's that easywww.thelsmclub.com*privatemembersclub *thelsmclub *thingstodoinlondon *membersclublondon *londonevents *eventsinlondon *Socialclub *girlssupportgirls *womenfriendship *friendship *friendshipgoals*ladiessocialclub *buildinga ▶0:06
-THE LSM CLUB RUN EVENTS FOR OUR LADIES EVERY WEEKEND! FROM FINE DINNING TO DAYS & NIGHTS OUT. THE EVENTS ARE ENDLESS. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF SUPPORTIVE OUTGOING WOMEN IN LONDON. How to join? - Download 'LSM Club' on your App Store and sign up to become a member! It's that easywww.thelsmclub.com*privatemembersclub *thelsmclub *thingstodoinlondon *membersclublondon *londonevents *eventsinlondon *Socialclub *girlssupportgirls *womenfriendship *friendship *friendshipgoals*ladiessocialclub *buildinga ▶42:07
Делаем сигны добавляем в игру разговариваем ▶2:27
Не спим) ▶12:46
Livestream title ▶2:23
替え玉持ってるのおもろすぎw 日本のプロ野球中継でもファンのクローズアップとかやってほしいな! *ドジャース *大谷翔平 *ダルビッシュ有 *MVP *MLB *ホームラン ▶1:01
替え玉持ってるのおもろすぎw 日本のプロ野球中継でもファンのクローズアップとかやってほしいな! *ドジャース *大谷翔平 *ダルビッシュ有 *MVP *MLB *ホームラン ▶0:30
Close Up BUBBLES 🫧 Pressure... - Steve Wunderlich Hoof Care ▶0:59
Close Up BUBBLES 🫧 Pressure... - Steve Wunderlich Hoof Care ▶26:59
And just like that my little sister is getting merried *itatilopez *jamaass *donasilvia *mexicantiktok *fypage *imnotcryingyouarefyp *fiesta ▶4:32
And just like that my little sister is getting merried *itatilopez *jamaass *donasilvia *mexicantiktok *fypage *imnotcryingyouarefyp *fiesta ▶32:52
Stunning Close-Up: Sheep Tripe Magnified 400x Under Microscope ▶39:47
Stunning Close-Up: Sheep Tripe Magnified 400x Under Microscope ▶52:14
クローズアップ現代「戦争が“言葉”を変えていく ある詩人が見たウクライナ」20230823 ▶0:38
クローズアップ現代「戦争が“言葉”を変えていく ある詩人が見たウクライナ」20230823 ▶0:59
в городе "Хабаровск, Россия" ▶0:37
Название трансляции ▶1:22
Разговариваем с переводчикам ▶2:19
Игра на актив ▶5:00
今週は一人一人クローズアップしていきます。 近藤豪への質問募集中!建設職人ってカッコいい。建設業の魅力を発信しています。 業界を変えよう、人生を変えよう。 *質問募集中 *社長 *足場 *ビジネス *リーダー *職人募集 *日本人職人80名まで37人 ▶0:14
今週は一人一人クローズアップしていきます。 近藤豪への質問募集中!建設職人ってカッコいい。建設業の魅力を発信しています。 業界を変えよう、人生を変えよう。 *質問募集中 *社長 *足場 *ビジネス *リーダー *職人募集 *日本人職人80名まで37人 ▶1:01
2度の不合格により「宝塚」の舞台をあきらめた松井茉未さん。夢破れて帰... - HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶3:41
2度の不合格により「宝塚」の舞台をあきらめた松井茉未さん。夢破れて帰... - HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶0:14
HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶1:02
クローズアップver.撮ってみました🙌🏻 *niziu *heartris *heartris_challenge *ニジュー *ハトリの摂理 *運営さん大好き *投稿良樹 ▶26:58
クローズアップver.撮ってみました🙌🏻 *niziu *heartris *heartris_challenge *ニジュー *ハトリの摂理 *運営さん大好き *投稿良樹 ▶0:09
【 *渡邉理佐 に7つの質問💙 】 ノンノ専属モデルを1人ずつクローズアップする動画企画『 *ノンノモデルに7つの質問 』がスタート🎉 トップバッターは *りっちゃん こと 渡邉理佐🫶 *ノンノ*nonno *nonno_magazine *渡邉理佐推し *べりさ *べりさ推し ▶0:05
【 *渡邉理佐 に7つの質問💙 】 ノンノ専属モデルを1人ずつクローズアップする動画企画『 *ノンノモデルに7つの質問 』がスタート🎉 トップバッターは *りっちゃん こと 渡邉理佐🫶 *ノンノ*nonno *nonno_magazine *渡邉理佐推し *べりさ *べりさ推し ▶0:40
【End】生後5ヶ月の三女はんちゃんにクローズアップ! ▶42:42
*サザン 桑田『愛のささくれ~Nobody loves me』*NHK特集 *クローズアップ佳祐 *愛のささくれ *サザンオールスターズ *桑田佳祐 *ソロ ▶1:32
*サザン 桑田『愛のささくれ~Nobody loves me』*NHK特集 *クローズアップ佳祐 *愛のささくれ *サザンオールスターズ *桑田佳祐 *ソロ ▶8:54
俳優としてはもちろん、ファッションアイコン、インフルエンサーとして大きな注目を集めている桜田通さんがCLASSY.4月号に初登場! CLASSY.世代男子でもある桜田さんの魅力にクローズアップした10の質問とリラックスした雰囲気のファッションシュート、ぜひチェックしてください✨ *classymagazine *4月号 *桜田通 *オフショット*俳優*メンズファッション ▶9:30
俳優としてはもちろん、ファッションアイコン、インフルエンサーとして大きな注目を集めている桜田通さんがCLASSY.4月号に初登場! CLASSY.世代男子でもある桜田さんの魅力にクローズアップした10の質問とリラックスした雰囲気のファッションシュート、ぜひチェックしてください✨ *classymagazine *4月号 *桜田通 *オフショット*俳優*メンズファッション ▶25:54
📺 *Dearにっぽん あす放送です... - HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶5:29
📺 *Dearにっぽん あす放送です... - HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶0:10
HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶3:51
Show Girls - Open Kids ▶2:17:11
*lsm *lenguadeseñas ▶27:00
more of a close up GRWM 💗 *fyp *viral *parati *acne *makeup *grwm *foryou ▶0:48
more of a close up GRWM 💗 *fyp *viral *parati *acne *makeup *grwm *foryou ▶11:08
【日语字幕】【クローズアップ現代】揺らぐ学校の食事 子どもの“食のインフラ”をどう守るか? ▶6:32
【日语字幕】【クローズアップ現代】揺らぐ学校の食事 子どもの“食のインフラ”をどう守るか? ▶1:05
sasa | bookstagram on Instagram: "close up of the special editions 🥹🥹✨ this book series is really special to me so these are the only special editions I’d buy😍" ▶1:07
sasa | bookstagram on Instagram: "close up of the special editions 🥹🥹✨ this book series is really special to me so these are the only special editions I’d buy😍" ▶0:12
No name ▶1:01
Dasha ▶0:15
LS 121 ▶25:57
ADVOKAT WN & PARTNERS,dan LSM NAGA HITAM Dampingin Klien dugaan Kelalaian Penaganan Pasien,Sehingga Meninggal dunia.*CapCut *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *indonesia🇮🇩 *batakkaro *fypp *fypシ゚viral *Jakarta *jakartakeras *viralvideos *jakartautara *jakartabarat *fyppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp *medanhits *jakartacity *fyp ▶6:02
ADVOKAT WN & PARTNERS,dan LSM NAGA HITAM Dampingin Klien dugaan Kelalaian Penaganan Pasien,Sehingga Meninggal dunia.*CapCut *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *indonesia🇮🇩 *batakkaro *fypp *fypシ゚viral *Jakarta *jakartakeras *viralvideos *jakartautara *jakartabarat *fyppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp *medanhits *jakartacity *fyp ▶0:33
Танцую ▶18:22
Uh.. ▶2:45
作家・佐々涼子 自分の“死”と向き合う 覚悟と希望 ▶4:12
HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶2:44
KEKKE🐍🧚‍♂️けっけ on Instagram: "Shamed Close up🤣🤣🤣 SevenTeen"Maestro" Minghao Part Mirrored Tutorial Let's Challenge!! @saythename_17 *seventeen *maestro *svt_maestro *maestrodancechallenge *seventeenmaestro *seventeendance *maestrochallenge *kpopdancechallenge *kpopdance *kpopdancecover *kpopdancer *kpopdancecovers *kdancer *kcover *kcoverist *kdancecover *sector17 *scoups *jeonghan *joshua *wonwoo *jun *the8 *woozi *mingyu *hoshi *dk *seungkwan *vernon *dino" ▶0:24
KEKKE🐍🧚‍♂️けっけ on Instagram: "Shamed Close up🤣🤣🤣 SevenTeen"Maestro" Minghao Part Mirrored Tutorial Let's Challenge!! @saythename_17 *seventeen *maestro *svt_maestro *maestrodancechallenge *seventeenmaestro *seventeendance *maestrochallenge *kpopdancechallenge *kpopdance *kpopdancecover *kpopdancer *kpopdancecovers *kdancer *kcover *kcoverist *kdancecover *sector17 *scoups *jeonghan *joshua *wonwoo *jun *the8 *woozi *mingyu *hoshi *dk *seungkwan *vernon *dino" ▶0:12
Боже мой! Действительно ангел! ▶1:27
Бессонница ▶0:49
Latvia edged out by Germany in basketball World Cup thriller in Manila ▶2:47
Latvia edged out by Germany in basketball World Cup thriller in Manila ▶0:39
クローズアップ現代「“誰も助けてくれなかった” 告白・ジャニーズと性加害問題」20230517 ▶0:12
クローズアップ現代「“誰も助けてくれなかった” 告白・ジャニーズと性加害問題」20230517 ▶0:14
ウクライナ侵攻から2年 強制動員による連れ去りも ▶1:45
HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶0:26
после ванны ▶4:43
《狐妖小红娘月红篇》?我从来没见过这么颠覆性的改编! ▶2:58
Ritter sport chocolate is beautiful at 400x under a microscope!*microscope ▶3:23
Ritter sport chocolate is beautiful at 400x under a microscope!*microscope ▶3:10
Campaign asks public to enjoy sunflowers and donate ▶0:38
能登半島地震 子どもたちへのメッセージ ▶0:59
HUMAN ドキュメント&クローズアップ現代 ▶4:41
Gulsum Demirci (@g3lsm_38) adlı kullanıcının orijinal ses - Speed Up Worlds ile oluşturduğu videoları ▶22:09
Gulsum Demirci (@g3lsm_38) adlı kullanıcının orijinal ses - Speed Up Worlds ile oluşturduğu videoları ▶8:22
Harika bir teknik 👌👌🎥 https://www.instagram.com/nastasya_wool?igsh=ZmZ4ajVnb2lsM2Zh | Ana-kız Örgüleri Knitting & Crochet ▶5:10:26
Harika bir teknik 👌👌🎥 https://www.instagram.com/nastasya_wool?igsh=ZmZ4ajVnb2lsM2Zh | Ana-kız Örgüleri Knitting & Crochet ▶3:08
😮‍💨🙌🏽 *gtpcs *fyp *room *setup *viral | room ▶1:03
Fun ▶0:30
Broan BBN2 Series 30" Stainless Steel Built-In Power Pack Insert - BBN2303SS ▶25:44
Broan BBN2 Series 30" Stainless Steel Built-In Power Pack Insert - BBN2303SS ▶0:27
*CapCut *nature *oneofmyhappyplaces *mentalhealthmatters | nature videos ▶0:39
*CapCut *nature *oneofmyhappyplaces *mentalhealthmatters | nature videos ▶0:31
【星穹铁道】银河球棒侠传说 (已完结)活动攻略/肉鸽/火山/齿轮/糖霜/微缩/甜梦/永恒黑洞/星穹铁道2.2 ▶1:34:19
【星穹铁道】银河球棒侠传说 (已完结)活动攻略/肉鸽/火山/齿轮/糖霜/微缩/甜梦/永恒黑洞/星穹铁道2.2 ▶0:15
Keep the man up stairs close *fyp *dude *relationship *pov | joe rauth edit ▶0:53
Keep the man up stairs close *fyp *dude *relationship *pov | joe rauth edit ▶0:04
坂井泉水さんが遺したもの ▶0:08
Фап справка - Маша Бабко Siberian mouse или ЦП в лс - medium [webm] ▶1:17
Фап справка - Маша Бабко Siberian mouse или ЦП в лс - medium [webm] ▶0:49
Luciana Grandi, the marathon mom & wife who recently went viral for ignoring her daughters and husband at the finish line, uploaded a clip in response to the viral videos of her finishing the race. It’s hard to translate everything word for word from any language to English and make it make sense, but here’s my best shot! Her IG is LU_GRANDI if you wanna follow her. :) “Hey guys. How are ya’ll? I'm Luciana Grandi, personal trainer, amateur athlete, and a street runner for a few years now. And mo ▶0:59
Luciana Grandi, the marathon mom & wife who recently went viral for ignoring her daughters and husband at the finish line, uploaded a clip in response to the viral videos of her finishing the race. It’s hard to translate everything word for word from any language to English and make it make sense, but here’s my best shot! Her IG is LU_GRANDI if you wanna follow her. :) “Hey guys. How are ya’ll? I'm Luciana Grandi, personal trainer, amateur athlete, and a street runner for a few years now. And mo ▶
Replying to @Corey Moore This tiny camper is one of the smallest, coolest, and most affordable campers on the lot *rv *camper *camping *tinyrv *van *travel ▶
Replying to @Corey Moore This tiny camper is one of the smallest, coolest, and most affordable campers on the lot *rv *camper *camping *tinyrv *van *travel ▶
Unforgettable Birthday Safari Experience! Witness the Majestic Wildlife Up Close ▶
Unforgettable Birthday Safari Experience! Witness the Majestic Wildlife Up Close ▶
✅คลิ๊กเพิ่มเพื่อน👨‍👩‍👧 👉 https://lnnk.in/@Godbonus168*Godspot *918Kiss *Pussy888 *LSM *RCA *77UP *PJslot *ฟรีสปิน *freespin *freespins *แจกโบนัส *bonus *แจ็คพอต *แจ๊คพอต *แจ็คพอท *แจ็คพอท *Jackpot *เกม *เกมส์ *game *games *สล็อต *สล็อท *สล๊อต *สล๊อท *Slot *บาคาร่า *baccara *ไพ่ *ไพ่ป๊อก *ไพ่ป๊อกเด้ง *pokdeng *ไพ่แบล็คแจ็ค *blackjack *ยิงปลา *fish *fishing *ตกปลา *เล่นได้เงิน *Free *ฟรี *Casino *คาสิโน *casinoonline *คาสิโนออนไลน์ *ออนไลน์ *Online *ม้า *ตู้ม้า *ไฮโล *Hilo *เต๋า *sicbo *น้ำเต้ ▶
✅คลิ๊กเพิ่มเพื่อน👨‍👩‍👧 👉 https://lnnk.in/@Godbonus168*Godspot *918Kiss *Pussy888 *LSM *RCA *77UP *PJslot *ฟรีสปิน *freespin *freespins *แจกโบนัส *bonus *แจ็คพอต *แจ๊คพอต *แจ็คพอท *แจ็คพอท *Jackpot *เกม *เกมส์ *game *games *สล็อต *สล็อท *สล๊อต *สล๊อท *Slot *บาคาร่า *baccara *ไพ่ *ไพ่ป๊อก *ไพ่ป๊อกเด้ง *pokdeng *ไพ่แบล็คแจ็ค *blackjack *ยิงปลา *fish *fishing *ตกปลา *เล่นได้เงิน *Free *ฟรี *Casino *คาสิโน *casinoonline *คาสิโนออนไลน์ *ออนไลน์ *Online *ม้า *ตู้ม้า *ไฮโล *Hilo *เต๋า *sicbo *น้ำเต้ ▶
*story pp wa sesuai insial kalian ▶
"Teens Rolling up on mom at Zaxby's drive-thru ! 🚗💨 Making fast food runs epic. *TeenLife *DriveThruAdventures *MomAndMe *ZaxbysForTheWin *TrendingNow *ViralMoments *FastFoodFrenzy *life360 *momlife *momsover30 *momsofmultiples *momsofteens | Just a Mom2Many Greens ▶
"Teens Rolling up on mom at Zaxby's drive-thru ! 🚗💨 Making fast food runs epic. *TeenLife *DriveThruAdventures *MomAndMe *ZaxbysForTheWin *TrendingNow *ViralMoments *FastFoodFrenzy *life360 *momlife *momsover30 *momsofmultiples *momsofteens | Just a Mom2Many Greens ▶
Day in Acienda Designer Outlet in Silang, Cavite! 🛍️ If nag hahanap ka ng True Outlet Mall na all-year round naka sale, puntahan mo ‘to! @Acienda Designer Outlet has 100 local and international stores (all original) and they are always on sale up to 80% off!! Here are the stores I visited: ⌚️: Casio Watch Outlet - you can score G-shock watches here for up to 50% off!! Plus you can get Casio Merch if you spend at least 10,000 pesos worth of items. 👟: Style ‘n Comfort - if you are a fan of Sperr ▶
Day in Acienda Designer Outlet in Silang, Cavite! 🛍️ If nag hahanap ka ng True Outlet Mall na all-year round naka sale, puntahan mo ‘to! @Acienda Designer Outlet has 100 local and international stores (all original) and they are always on sale up to 80% off!! Here are the stores I visited: ⌚️: Casio Watch Outlet - you can score G-shock watches here for up to 50% off!! Plus you can get Casio Merch if you spend at least 10,000 pesos worth of items. 👟: Style ‘n Comfort - if you are a fan of Sperr ▶
Step Up LSM ▶
*fy *lsm *lenguadeseñasmexicana *señadeldia *fypシ *señadeldía ▶
*fy *lsm *lenguadeseñasmexicana *señadeldia *fypシ *señadeldía ▶
Chick Does The Towel Challenge! ▶
Doktorun İnanılmaz Şakası ▶
Up close and personal with making our signature seafood boil 🦀 Which are you going with? Come thru sometime this week for your Bag O' Crab fix 🙌 *seafoodboil *prep *seafood *bagocrab ▶
Up close and personal with making our signature seafood boil 🦀 Which are you going with? Come thru sometime this week for your Bag O' Crab fix 🙌 *seafoodboil *prep *seafood *bagocrab ▶
My girlfriend broke up with me because she found out she couldn't have kids, so I tried to fix the relationship but she sent me a photo of her with another man. Later, she called me crying. Plus one update *reddit *redditstories *redditreadings *reddit_tiktok *redditstorytime *storytelling *askreddit ▶
My girlfriend broke up with me because she found out she couldn't have kids, so I tried to fix the relationship but she sent me a photo of her with another man. Later, she called me crying. Plus one update *reddit *redditstories *redditreadings *reddit_tiktok *redditstorytime *storytelling *askreddit ▶
LSM|温岚《夏天的风》翻唱 ▶
LSM|杨千嬅《少女的祈祷》翻唱 ▶
LSM|杨千嬅《假如让我说下去》翻唱 ▶
Who's going to step up and take on... - PTC Headquarters ▶
Behind the Scenes: Making it Happen with Our Crews ▶
Pussy Riot’s Nadya: Russian protestors are ‘fighting for democracy’ ▶
Pussy Riot’s Nadya: Russian protestors are ‘fighting for democracy’ ▶
:3 ▶
続発するアレルギー事故 学校給食で何が ▶
Заходиииииии 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 ▶
Capture 20110415 ▶
Clip 1 - When you intentionally delay an action, this can be more effective than having every players exactly where they need to be at the right time because when the defense already knows your sets, they'll be ready with you. So although PJ was late, this prevented James Harden from being prepared to guard Luka Doncic as they planned for. Clip 2 - NEVER be the defender who is willing to sacrifice a valuable teammate's availability because you are too scared to step up yourself. If you are scare ▶
Clip 1 - When you intentionally delay an action, this can be more effective than having every players exactly where they need to be at the right time because when the defense already knows your sets, they'll be ready with you. So although PJ was late, this prevented James Harden from being prepared to guard Luka Doncic as they planned for. Clip 2 - NEVER be the defender who is willing to sacrifice a valuable teammate's availability because you are too scared to step up yourself. If you are scare ▶
Respuesta a @itazurabreindman6 *asl *iloveyou *TikTokFashion *lsm *foryoupage ▶
Respuesta a @itazurabreindman6 *asl *iloveyou *TikTokFashion *lsm *foryoupage ▶
世界をかける“はだしのゲン” ▶
Arash Hashemi on Instagram: "CHOPPED MEDITERRANEAN CHICKEN SALAD . I made this with some of my fav summer ingredients - lots of fresh basil, sundried tomato, fresh mozz, italian seasoned chicken, & Avocado oil mayo. I used @chosenfoods Classic Mayo made with avocado oil - its got simple ingredients and made from 100% pure avocado oil unlike other options. Plus, it contains good fats, and you know I’m all about eating good fats to stay full + satiated. . I served these with lowcarb pitas, but you ▶
Arash Hashemi on Instagram: "CHOPPED MEDITERRANEAN CHICKEN SALAD . I made this with some of my fav summer ingredients - lots of fresh basil, sundried tomato, fresh mozz, italian seasoned chicken, & Avocado oil mayo. I used @chosenfoods Classic Mayo made with avocado oil - its got simple ingredients and made from 100% pure avocado oil unlike other options. Plus, it contains good fats, and you know I’m all about eating good fats to stay full + satiated. . I served these with lowcarb pitas, but you ▶
EASY Crunchy Mediterranean roast potatoes with chicken 🤯 (recipe 👇🏽) My new digital cookbook will be out June 27th save the date 😍🙌🏽 Macros (x3 servings): 710 calories |46g P | 31g C | 45g F Ingredients For the Chicken: * 🍗 1.5 lbs chicken thighs, boneless, skinless * 🧂 Salt and pepper, to taste * 🧄 1/2 tsp garlic powder * 🌿 1/2 tsp dried thyme * 🌿 1/2 tsp dried oregano * 🫒 2 tbsp olive oil For the Potatoes: * 🥔 3 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks * 🍋 Zest of 1 lemon * 🍋 ▶
EASY Crunchy Mediterranean roast potatoes with chicken 🤯 (recipe 👇🏽) My new digital cookbook will be out June 27th save the date 😍🙌🏽 Macros (x3 servings): 710 calories |46g P | 31g C | 45g F Ingredients For the Chicken: * 🍗 1.5 lbs chicken thighs, boneless, skinless * 🧂 Salt and pepper, to taste * 🧄 1/2 tsp garlic powder * 🌿 1/2 tsp dried thyme * 🌿 1/2 tsp dried oregano * 🫒 2 tbsp olive oil For the Potatoes: * 🥔 3 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks * 🍋 Zest of 1 lemon * 🍋 ▶
баловалась по скайпу ▶
БЕДА В ТОМ, ЧТОБЫ РОДИТЬСЯ (2020 HD) фантастика, Драма, Детектив ▶
БЕДА В ТОМ, ЧТОБЫ РОДИТЬСЯ (2020 HD) фантастика, Драма, Детектив ▶
СВЕТЛАЯ ЛЮБОВЬ! 火❤ ๖ۣۣۜFĬŘĔ ắήđ ℑℭḜ ❤氷 ▶
🍆 Not ready to plant out? Pot up! 🪴 Potting up seedlings from smaller to larger containers as they grow is *KEY* to preventing stunted, root-bound seedlings. It’s also admittedly one of my least favorite garden tasks to do, but this nifty little trick helps make it go quick! . You can also use this method for larger plants, like when transplanting a tree or shrub into a large pot, which is ideal to help get the soil level/depth right the first time and fuss with moving the root ball around as ▶
🍆 Not ready to plant out? Pot up! 🪴 Potting up seedlings from smaller to larger containers as they grow is *KEY* to preventing stunted, root-bound seedlings. It’s also admittedly one of my least favorite garden tasks to do, but this nifty little trick helps make it go quick! . You can also use this method for larger plants, like when transplanting a tree or shrub into a large pot, which is ideal to help get the soil level/depth right the first time and fuss with moving the root ball around as ▶
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This sg is close to heart since those days... Beautiful lyrics with so much feel of love ❤️ *justforthemusic *neetungumnnerathil❤️🖤 *happyfridayeveryone *anbudanLSM *thankyouuniverse ▶
This sg is close to heart since those days... Beautiful lyrics with so much feel of love ❤️ *justforthemusic *neetungumnnerathil❤️🖤 *happyfridayeveryone *anbudanLSM *thankyouuniverse ▶
Latvia downed by Kazakhstan at IIHF World Championship ▶
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Transportes LSM *lsm *LSM *lenguadeseñas *lenguadeseñasmexicana *incluyente *aprendiendolsm *oyentes *aprenderlsm *sordera ▶
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Guess The Price Of These Celebrity Items | Guess The Price Challenge ▶


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